
Please read about the services we offer before applying.

The lawyers of LFL are committed to helping the people of West Maui.  We have all responded to the call to volunteer our time and talents.  We meet regularly to provide information and training, and to form work groups and teams to deliver services.  If you need help, we will respond.  Note that 100% of our services are offered on a volunteer basis, and although all of our lawyers are committed to helping you, there may be times when we cannot undertake a matter or need more time to undertake or complete the work.

We are building LFL to last, from our leadership team, to our lawyers, to our technology.  We are planning to be providing services for years to come, so long as West Maui is rebuilding.

Here are some of the services we are offering or plan to offer in the near future:

  1. Lawyer hotline where West Maui people can call with legal questions.
  2. Individual Consultations, online and in person.
  3. Seminars and Webinars on topics of interest.
  4. Pro Bono Legal Representation for people who need formal representation.

Here are some examples of some of the types of services we offer:

  1. Review insurance contacts.
  2. Review leases.
  3. Review loans.
  4. Legal entity counseling.
  5. Advice re: employment issues.

Geographic Scope

Although our name is “Lawyers for Lahaina” we offer services to those outside Lahaina who were impacted by the wildfires.  Our services are available to anyone impacted by the wildfires, whether or not located in West Maui or nearby communities.


We know what we don’t know.  If you contact us and we are not qualified to help you, we will strive to refer you to the resources you need.  We are working on creating collaborations with Maui and other organizations and initiatives that are helping the people of West Maui, with the goal of being able to make referrals as necessary and appropriate.
